My Own World

Every steps have own story and I'll share with you

AJ Rafael


Hello World ! On this post, I’ll give you some information about my favorite singer, AJ Rafael.  Actually, I’ve just known his songs and started to like them on the beginning of this month, after I  listened my friend’s souncloud.

AJ Rafael is an American musician of Filipino descent. He has self-released two EPs and one album. One of my favorite song is she was mine. This is the lyric :



   She was Mine

So I hopped on a train,
Three in the afternoon,
I don’t know when I’m coming back,
But I hope that it’s soon,
See I never thought, never thought, that I’d have to leave your side, your side.

It’s only physically,
But know that you will be on my mind,
Twenty four hours at a time,
‘Cause in my eyes you were mine, you were mine.

No matter where you go,
I won’t be very far,
‘Cause in my head I’ll be right there where you are,
‘Cause love has no distance baby,
Love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me.

See she wrote me a letter,
Said the weather wasn’t better,
But she said that she was doing fine,
I wanna see you face to face,
That’s what she wrote to me that day,
And I knew that it was all a sign.

So I wrote back with this song,
Promise it won’t be too long,
Wanna make up for all our lost time,
‘Cause in my eyes you were mine, you were mine.

No matter where you go,
I won’t be very far,
‘Cause in my head I’ll be right there where you are,
‘Cause love has no distance baby,
Love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me.

So I’m going through these boxes.
My life’s gone off track.
‘Cause it’s been three years.
She hasn’t written back.
But in my eyes.
She’s still mine.

And I know it sounds so stupid,
To be waiting this long,
But I’m still in love and I know I’m not wrong,
‘Cause in my eyes,
She was mine.

No matter where you go,
I won’t be very far,
‘Cause in my head I’ll be right there where you are,
‘Cause love has no distance baby,
Love has no distance baby
No, not when it comes to you and me.

ps : if you want to hear all his song you can click here

You ?



I told you to run

And you’re running

Oh, how happy I am


You’re here

I told you to stop

But why you keep running?


You’re not running towards me

You’re running somewhere further

I was wrong


I’m not even exist in your gaze

Oh I finally understand

It was my fault, not you


I still stood here

With flowers in my hands that almost frozen



How to Make Your Eyes Look Prettier


Hello World !

Eye makeup has always been one of girls things to apply. I’ve learned some great eye makeup tips from beauty blog and Youtube. And now I’d like to share with you some of these tips. Check it out guys !

  • Use concealer : Always use concealer first into your under eye circle. Choose the brighter color than your skin. I recommend L.A. Girl Pro Conceal. It applies very well and blends out easily enoughconceal
  • Use Eye Primer : I recommend NYX Eye Shadow Base which white shade. White shade can make your eyes looks bigger. Apply it from the corner of eyelid up to the top NYX
  • Apply eye shadow : Choose the darker color to apply on your crease eyes. After that, choose your favorite color (If you want look more natural, choose the brown color) and blend it with brush or your hand. Finally choose the final color to highlight your eyelied. I recommend Maybeline Eyestudio. eyestudio
  • Apply eyeliner : Start at the outside corner of your eye and extend all the way to the inner corner, leaving just a teeny tiny bit without eyeliner. I love Etude Styling Eyeliner and Etude Oh-m’ Eye Line
    Oh-m' Eye Line

    Oh-m’ Eye Line

    Etude Styling Eyeliner

    Etude Styling Eyeliner







  • Use mascara : Apply 3-4 times on your up and bottom eyelashes. I recommend Maybeline Big Eyes. maskara

And you’re done! Now your eyes look prettier 🙂

Hello Paris Van Java


Hello World!

Last Holiday, my friends and I went to one of beautiful city in west java. Yup this is Bandung. We went to Bandung by Lodaya train. Train departed from Balapan Solo Railway Station at 7 a.m and arrived in Bandung at 14.30 p.m (may be). I stayed in Bandung for four days. So I’ll share my photos when I stayed in Bandung. Check it out guys.

Beautiful landscape from train

Beautiful landscape from train

Seblak- One of traditional food from Bandung-

Seblak- One of traditional food from Bandung-

Krabby Patty Surabi. It's so delicious guys, you must try it

Krabby Patty Surabi. It’s so delicious guys, you must try it

Braga Street - one of famous street in Bandung. So many restaurant, cafe, night club, boutiuque in along the street

Braga Street – one of famous street in Bandung. So many restaurant, cafe, night club, boutiuque in along the street

Trans Studio Bandung is the biggest indoor theme park in Bandung. The ticket price : Rp170.000 for Monday-Friday and Rp270.000 for Saturday-Sunday and holiday.

Trans Studio Bandung is the biggest indoor theme park in Bandung. The ticket price : Rp170.000 for Monday-Friday and Rp270.000 for Saturday-Sunday and holiday.

Kawah Putih is located in Ciwidey. My friend told me that Kawah Putih can have different color in their lake. The weather was so cold. It's so beautiful lake that I've ever seen

Kawah Putih is located in Ciwidey. My friend told me that Kawah Putih can have different color in their lake. The weather was so cold. It’s so beautiful lake that I’ve ever seen.

My friends and I. Smile :)

My friends and I. Smile 🙂

So, that are my photos when I went to Paris Van Java. Happy Holiday World!!!

Another Story From Solo


Hello World ! What do you know about Solo guys? Have you ever go there? I want to tell you another story from solo. Check it out guys!

Pasar gede

Pasar Gede in the morning. So many sellers and buyers here.


World Dance Day on Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta. The goal of the World Dance Day is to increase awareness of dance among the general public

World Dance Day on Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta. The goal of the World Dance Day is to increase awareness of dance among the general public.


Ronde seller in Alun-alun Kidul Solo. Ronde is on of traditional drink from Java. Ronde is believed to be useful for our healthy and make our body to stay warm.

Ronde seller in Alun-alun Kidul Solo. Ronde is on of traditional drink from Java. Ronde is believed to be useful for our healthy and make our body to stay warm.

Hair Treatment


Hrambut-kusutello World! How are you? It’s hot day, right? Girls usually don’t like hot weather. Why? In addition to making the skin becomes darker, the hot weather will also make the hair becomes damaged, then they will badmood because of it hahaha. So I”ll give some tips to keep hair healthy. Check it out guys


  • Washing with the right shampoo + conditioner : Don’t wash your DSC_0044hair everyday, it can make your haird dry out. Use the shampoo that matches with your hair. I uses Mane and Tail shampoo. This shampoo made my hair very soft, my scalp moisturized, and my hair grow faster. Mane and tail shampoo was completed with conditioner, so it’s so practice. I  love this shampoo very much.
  • Use hair mask : After washing your hair, use the hair mask. A hair mask should be applied to washed and towel-dried hair. I uses Makarizo Texture Experience Black makarizo-texture-hair-mask-black-chocolate-500g-8859-6721501-1-productChocolate with Cacao Extract. It contains rich catechins and oil that help to prevent hair damage and maintain scalp’s moisture level to improve hair quality. The aroma of pure delicious creamy chocolate stimulates the mind to evoke feelings of bliss and elation. It looks yummy melted chocolate, but don’t eat this mask hahaha
  • Use hair vitamin : After  your hair cleansing process, use the hair vitamin to make your hair smooth. I CYMERA_20150812_135940use Lucido-L Triple Beauty Hair Vitamin Oil for Dry Hair.Lucido-L has sunflower and avocado oil, vit A,C,E, moisturizer to help you maintaining your hair. It is so lightweight and not oily at all. It’s successfully repair my dry hair and make my hair looks more shiny, smooth, and healthy.makarizo-anti-frizz-spray-70ml
  • Use hair anti frizz : Before you do hair styling, use hair anti frizz to protect your hair. I uses Makarizo Advisor Anti Frizz to protect my hair. It makes my hair stronger and easy to combed.


  • Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C and E : You can eat some fruits and vegetables likes orange, tomato, bean, avocado, etc.3635-fruit-photo





  • Don’t stress : Stress can cause hair loss. You can practice Yoga, stresstake holiday, physical exercise to remove stress form your self.






Note : You can buy all product on drugstore, example Guardian, Century, Carefour, and make up store.

Different Sunset



Luoree, Adelaide

Langit yang sama saat kau mengatakan semua akan baik-baik saja. Ya, beberapa tahun lalu. Tepat ketika senja berlabuh tatkala langit menutup tirai kehidupan. Apakah senja disana tetap indah seperti yang aku lihat saat ini? Kau tahu, ketika dunia sibuk mengumpulkan pundi-pundi koin, aku memilih untuk duduk di sini. Berdiam diri menunggu lukisan terbaik-Nya terlukis sempurna. Dan tentu saja, aku kembali mengingat kenangan-kenangan itu.

“Kau tahu kenapa senja datang dan pergi teramat cepat?”  Juliard  bertanya padaku. Ya tentu saja dengan tatapan lembutnya.

“Tidak.” Hanya satu kata yang mampu aku keluarkan. Bagaimana mungkin aku bisa berkata panjang lebar jika Juliard menatapku seperti itu, dazzling eyes.   

” Tuhan sengaja menciptakan senja agar kita selalu bersyukur karena telah mampu melewati siang-Nya dan berdoa sebelum melewati malam. Ketika senja kau bisa merasakan ketenangan di tengah hiruk pikuknya dunia meski hanya dalam waktu yang singkat.” Juliard nampak menghela nafas panjangnya. Sejenak hanya hembusan angin yang terdengar. Diiringi kicauan burung gereja yang berbondong-bondong kembali ke sangkar hangatnya.    

“Dan aku ingin kau seperti senja. Indah dan memberikan ketenangan.” Ah, kenangan itu muncul kembali. Ya mungkin aku terlalu bodoh untuk terus terkurung dalam jaring kenangan ini. Keinginanku hanya satu, melupakan laki-laki itu. senja 2

Juliard, Berlin

Bukankah senja selalu indah? Namun senja tak lagi sama dengan beberapa tahun yang lalu. Ya, saat aku dapat menikmati senja bersama dia, perempuan yang beberapa tahun lalu menangis karenaku.       

” Dan aku ingin kau seperti senja. Indah dan memberikan ketenangan.” Aku menatap mata coklat indahnya yang semakin berkilau terkena sinar senja, betapa aku memujanya. Kau hanya tersenyum dan menggenggam tanganku. Aku rasa itu cukup sebagai jawaban. Ah apakah tadi sebuah pertanyaaan? atau justru pernyataan egois ku?        

” Ree, aku harus mengatakan sesuatu. Aku……hmm..” Sial kenapa susah sekali untuk mengatakannya.    

” Apa ini tentang rencanamu untuk pindah ke Berlin?” Terkejut. Ya hanya ekpresi itu yang ada di wajahku saat ini. Darimana dia tahu? Bukankah aku belum pernah mengatakannya sebelumnya? Apa dia akan mengizinkanku untuk pindah? Apa……       

” Pergilah, aku tak apa.” Belum selesai aku terhanyut oleh pertanyaan-pertanyaku, suara itu kembali terdengar. Suara lembut dari perempuan yang berada tepat di sampingku, Luoree.      

” Kau tak apa? Aku janji semuanya akan baik-baik saja dan tentu akan tetap sama.” Aku melihat senyum hangat itu kembali. Aku tahu, dibalik senyum itu kau mencoba untuk menyembunyikannya, perasaan dan kesedihanmu. Aku mengehela nafas panjangku. Kenapa susah sekali melupakannya? Bukankah ini tepat senja ke-1825 aku memutuskan melihat senja tanpamu? Lihat, sampai-sampai aku menghitung tiap senja tanpamu. Ternyata sudah 4 tahun, dan masih saja kenangan itu selalu muncul. Mungkin, suatu saat nanti kita akan dipertemukan pada senja-senja indah yang lain. Atau ini saatnya aku mencari seseorang yang baru untuk mengisi kepingan yang kosong ini? Entahlah……




You’re here now

With a light smile

and, yes

Those dazzling eyes


I was wondering why

Why did you come back?

“Just for you”, you said

After you wandered very far


How could you

It wasn’t easy

You make it harder

and I won’t look back


Now, all I can say is

Thank you

for making me realize

That you’re not deserve to be waited


Those flowers wilt, so do my feelings for you

Beauty of Soge Beach


Not long day ago ( May 7, 2016) I went to Soge beach in Pacitan with my fullteam family (cause very rarely I can gather with family completely ). Yeah Pacitan is my beautiful hometown . Pacitan is located on the southwest side of East Java. Pacitan is a small city with many pretty interesting tourist destinations like beach and cave. One of the beautiful beach in my city is Soge Beach.

Soge beach is located on the right side of South Cross Road. With a vast expanse of brown sand that strtches along the beach has become one of the main view Soge beach.

I took some photos on there and I’ll show it to you 🙂 All the photos taken by me and my lovely brother hoho


Soge beach and South Cross Road


Fishing boat


Look at the waves and brown sand. How clear !


I didn’t even know what it’s name exactly, but I named it “tek-tek’an laut” cause when you burn it, it would sound like “kretek-tek-tek”


Look at the beautiful sunset !

This is my family. Smile :)

This is my family. Smile 🙂


Hello world!


Hello World !

This is my first post in my lovely blog and I don’t really have anything to say hahaha. I hope to share with you here a little about me, some recipes may be, make up review and what I have gone through in my life.

I hope you’ll be entertained, informed, and inspired by this blog. If I can accomplish my goals, so fell free to share my blog with everyone. And also your opinions and comments are more than welcome.